This page provides explanations of acronyms and terms that may be referred to in documents or discussions at formal committee meetings.
Further terms and phrases can be added to this page by emailing
AACC | All Aged Continuing Care. Services assess and provide funding for the care of individuals of all ages to met their ongoing health and care needs. |
A&E |
Accident and emergency department |
A&E attendance |
Terms used to describe what patients receive when they attend the acute hospital for urgent /non-elective/unplanned care. |
Access(iblity) |
The availability of NHS services – ‘getting the care you need’. A key theme in the NHS Plan. Also used in the context of modifications made to accommodate those with disabilities/impairments. |
Accountability |
Everything done by those who work in the NHS must be able to stand the test of parliamentary scrutiny, public judgements on propriety and professional codes of conduct. |
Acute care |
Care provided by the larger general hospitals. |
Acute hospital |
A hospital which provides a range of care that normally takes a short time to complete including accident and emergency, maternity, surgery, medical, x-ray, radiotherapy, and so on. |
Acute services |
Medical and surgical treatment provided mainly in hospitals. |
Admissions |
When a patient is admitted to hospital. |
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder |
Allied health professionals. A diverse group of statutory-registered practitioners who deliver high quality care to patients across a wide range of care pathways and in a variety of settings, including physiotherapists and occupational therapists. |
Arm’s length bodies |
Associate locality director of quality |
Ambulatory care |
Services where people do not stay in hospital overnight, for example, outpatients, x-ray, day surgery and medical diagnostics. |
Acute medical unit |
Advanced nurse practitioner |
AO |
The accountable officer was the title of the chief executive equivalent role in Clinical Commissioning Groups. CCGs closed on 30 June 2022 and Integrated Care Boards took on their responsibilities. |
Annual operating plan. To identify, communicate and monitor progress on key priorities for the year that advance the strategic plan. |
Acute Primary Care Ophthalmology Service incorporating the Acute Eye Triage Service. |
Association of Public Health Observatories |
Any qualified provider. A procurement model that can be used to develop a register of providers (formerly known as any willing provider). Providers must be qualified and meet standards and contract at an agreed price for them to have a contract with the NHS for patient care. They may provide services in a different way such as not in hospital. |
Annual report and accounts |
Ambulance Response Programme |
Annual regulatory review |
ARRS | Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme. Automatic funding stream available to primary care networks to support recruitment which supports the employment of service provision. |
Autistic spectrum condition/autistic spectrum disorder |
Antimicrobial stewardship group |
Action on smoking and health – a campaigning public health charity |
Assessment |
Within the context of care planning, an assessment of a person’s health and social care needs. Considering the circumstances of an individual, family, group or community when looking at a future plan of action. |
Audit and risk | This committee provides an independent and objective view of NHS Kent and Medway's compliance with all statutory and mandated responsibilities. It also oversees governanace, risk management, financial and internal controls and makes sure the annual report and accounts are accurate. |
British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapists |
Board assurance framework (sometimes referred to as the assurance framework – AF). It is common practice across the UK public healthcare sector for the term 'board assurance framework (BAF)' to be used to refer to the key document used to record and report an organisation's key strategic objectives, risks, controls and assurances to the board. |
Black, Asian and minority ethnic |
Business as usual |
Better Care Fund is a programme spanning both the NHS and local government which seeks to join-up health and care services, so people can manage their own health and wellbeing and live independently in their communities for as long as possible. |
Business continuity incident |
Business continuity plan |
Beds |
In the context of a hospital or community setting, the number of beds in a ward or department which refers to staffed beds used overnight. |
Benchmarking |
A method used by public sector organisations, charities and private companies for gauging their performance by comparing it to that of other organisations, typically of a similar size. Many organisations are now members of so called ‘benchmarking clubs’ in which they compare published and unpublished performance information. |
Business Intelligence Team. (Previously SIT – Service Intelligence Team). A team that provides regular activity and finance data, and will also provide information as requested. |
British Medical Association – the professional medical association and trade union for doctors and medical students. |
Body mass index |
British National Formulary. A reference guide containing information and advice relating to prescribing and pharmacology re medicines available on the NHS. |
BNFc |
British National Formulary for children |
Booked Admissions |
The NHS national booked admissions scheme is a style of booking system which enables patients to arrange convenient out-patient and in-patient admission dates, leading to fewer cancelled operations, less bureaucracy and more efficient use of NHS time and resources. |
The NHS business services authority is a special health authority and an arm's length body of the Department of Health and Social Care, providing a range of critical central services to NHS organisations, NHS contractors, patients and the public. |
Blood stream infection |
Business cases |
These are submitted to the ICB to seek approval for dis/investment into new/improved services/pathway. |
Business plan |
A plan setting out the goals of an organisation and identifying the resources and actions needed to achieve them. |
Computer-aided dispatch |
C&B |
Choose and book. A national electronic referral service which gives patients a choice of place, date and time for their first outpatient appointment in a hospital or clinic. |
C&E |
Communications and engagement. A team providing support in communicating and engaging with patients, carers, the public, GPs, nurses and other stakeholders. The team responds to media requests and manages all digital communications channels for the ICB, such as the public website, social media profiles. |
Caldicott Guardian |
All NHS organisations are required to appoint a Caldicott Guardian – a person who has a responsibility for policies that safeguard the confidentiality of patient information. |
Caldicott standards |
These are a set of standards that regulate the use of patient information throughout the NHS. |
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services |
CaP |
Contracting and procurement. (Previously ACT – acute contracting team). A team that supports managing contracts with providers and validating NHS numbers for invoices (a patient must live in Kent and Medway). |
Care management |
A system of organising care to vulnerable adults by local authority social services departments. It involves assessing needs, care planning, the organisation of care packages within available resources, monitoring and review and close involvement with service users and carers. |
Care pathways |
The route a patient will take from their first contact with a NHS member of staff (usually their GP), through referral, to the completion of their treatment. You can think of it as a timeline, on which every event relating to treatment can be entered. |
Carer |
One of six million informal carers that look after elderly, ill or disabled relatives or friends. |
Central alert system (used for the management of incidents). |
Clinical assessment of skills and competencies |
Cognitive behavioural therapy |
Clinical commissioning group; clinically-led statutory NHS body responsible for the planning and commissioning of healthcare services for their local area. CCGs were closed on 30 June 2022. Integrated Care Boards were established on 1 July 2022 and took on CCG responsibilities. |
Co-operation and competition panel |
Coronary care unit. Dedicated unit for specialist coronary care. |
CDiff |
Clostridium difficile toxin |
Child death overview panel is a multi-agency panel that looks at all child deaths in a wider context than the earlier stages of a review. |
Clinical decisions unit; patients are referred who may require further investigations, procedures and stabilisation before being transferred to the most appropriate setting (e.g. ward or hospital or being discharged home). |
Community development worker |
Community education provider network. A network which aims to coordinate primary, secondary and social care education and training. |
Care education treatment review |
CfCK |
Change for Children Kent |
Chief finance officer |
Chief GP commissioner |
Continuing health care. Some people with long-term complex health needs qualify for free social care arranged and funded solely by the NHS. This is known as NHS continuing healthcare. |
Chronic heart disease |
Ch & YPS |
Children and Young People’s Service (historically CaHMS) |
Children in care |
Community Liaison Team |
CIP | Cost Improvement Plan. Planning to reduce costs while improving patient care patient satisfaction and safety. |
Community Mental Health Team |
Clinical audit |
A cyclical evaluation and measurement by health professionals of the clinical standards they are achieving. |
Clinical governance |
A framework through which NHS organisations are accountable for improving continuously the quality of their services and safeguarding high standards of care, by creating an environment in which excellence in clinical care will flourish. |
Clinical negligence |
A breach of duty by healthcare practitioners in the performance of their duties. |
Clinical team |
A clinical team may comprise of doctors, nurses and other health staff who provide services of a particular type, for example, audiology. |
Clinician |
A health professional who is directly involved in the care and treatment of patients, for example, nurses, doctors, therapists. |
Child mortality analysis unit |
Chief nursing officer |
CNST | Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts. The Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) handles all clinical negligence claims against member NHS bodies where the incident in question took place on or after 1 April 1995 or when the body joined the scheme, if that is later. |
CO |
Chief officer |
Collaborative |
Working in partnership across organisations and with various groups. |
Co-morbidity |
Term used to signify multiple illnesses at the same time for one person. |
Commission/ commissioning |
Process in which the health service identifies local needs for services and assesses them against the available public and private sector provision. Priorities are decided and services are purchased from the most appropriate providers through contracts and service agreements. As part of the commissioning process services are subject to regular evaluation. |
Commissioning cycle |
The essential elements of effective and efficient planning are reflected in this. |
Commissioning intentions |
High level statements that outline the commissioning intentions for the financial year in terms of quality, financial dis/investment and in/decreases in activity. |
Communities |
Is a collective term referring to people who share identities, experiences or interests. This might include people living in the same locality, people sharing identities as members of a minority ethnic group or as disabled people, or people who share the experience of being a single parent or those living in similar economic demographics. |
Community care |
A network of services provided by social services departments of local authorities with the NHS and volunteers. It supports older people, people who have mental health problems, or people who have learning disabilities, who might previously have been in a long stay hospital. Not to be confused with community health services. |
Community health services |
Care provided locally, designed to keep people out of hospital and providing treatment in or near their homes. It is normally given by district nurses, health visitors, community midwives and community psychiatric nurses, attached to general practice surgeries. |
Competitive tender |
Publically run organisations requesting goods and services in as wide and competitive a market as practical. |
Conflicts of interest |
Occurs when an individual or organisation is involved in multiple interests. They may be considered as perceived or actual conflicts. GPs are providers and commissioners so these need to be taken seriously. |
Contract management |
The contract manages services with providers. |
Chief Operating Officer. An effective COO combines broad operational knowledge with strategic planning and plays a key role in the provision of consistent care. |
Close of play |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
Corporate governance |
The rules and regulations within which an organisation works to ensure probity and accountability. |
West Kent Community Ophthalmology Team |
CPCS | Community Pharmacist Consultation Service. Launched by NHS England in 2019, to help patients having a same day appointment with their community pharmacist for a minor illness or an urgent supply of a regular medicine, improving access to services and providing more convenient treatment closer to patients’ homes. |
Child protection information system |
Care plan management system; the system aims to improve your care by making it possible for clinicians treating you to view information about your health electronically. |
Care Quality Commission, Health and social care inspectorate which replaced the Healthcare Commission in April 2009. |
Commissioning for quality and innovation. The CQUIN payment framework enables commissioners to reward excellence, by linking a proportion of English healthcare providers' income to the achievement of local quality improvement goals. |
Community recovery care group |
Corporate Risk Register is a mechanism to manage high level risks facing the organisation from a strategic, clinical and business risk perspective. |
Central referral unit |
Cruse |
A bereavement services provider |
CS |
Company secretary |
Childhood sexual exploitation |
Clinical strategy group; in response to a locally set vision for clinical services, a group of suitably qualified individuals who help develop strategy to support physical/mental health, wellness and promote individuals independence for as long as possible. |
Commissioning support unit provides external support, specialist skills and knowledge to other NHS organisations, for example by providing business intelligence services. |
CT |
Computerised tomography |
Cardiotocography |
Child or young person/children and young people |
Day case admission |
Day case patients are admitted for care or treatment which can be completed in a few hours and does not require a hospital bed overnight. Normally describes what patients receive when they attend the acute hospital for planned/elective care. |
Designated clinical officer |
Delayed discharge |
Where patients fit for discharge remain in acute hospital beds when other suitable forms of care are not provided. |
Delayed discharge rate |
The proportion of patients occupying a hospital bed who are ready for discharge. |
Demographic trends |
Changes in age, sex and size of the population over time. |
Deprivation |
A measure of material poverty based on a number of criteria such as income, economic circumstances, environment. |
Directed enhanced service contract for GPs |
DFE | Department for Education |
DGS | Dartford, Gravesham and Swanley |
DGT | Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust – acute provider |
Domestic homicide review is a multi-agency review of the circumstances in which the death of a person aged 16 or over has, or appears to have, resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a person to whom they were related or with whom they were, or had been, in an intimate personal relationship, or a member of the same household as themselves. Since 13 April 2011 there has been a statutory requirement for local areas to conduct a DHR following a domestic homicide that meets the criteria. |
DHSC | Department of Health and Social Care. Government department responsible for government policy on health and adult social care matters in England. |
Department of Health (DH) transition office |
Director of Infection, Prevention and Control – every provider organisation has one. |
Direct access |
An arrangement for GPs to make use of facilities in a hospital. These can include laboratory investigations, x-rays, physiotherapy, and so on, without reference to a third party such as a consultant. |
Decision making group |
Did not attend |
‘Do not resuscitate / do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ is an order on a patient's file which means a doctor should not attempt to resuscitate a patient if their heart stops. It is designed to prevent unnecessary suffering. |
Declaration of interest |
DOLs |
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding Scheme |
Document organisation, referral and information service. Platform used by practices containing a range of forms and guidance material for clinical and non-clinical tasks. |
Director of public health |
Data protection impact assessments |
Data quality improvement plan |
Decision support tool; document which helps record an individual’s care needs. Used to determine if that individual qualifies for additional support, such as NHS continuing healthcare funding. |
Delayed transfer of care from an NHS funded acute or non-acute care occurs when an adult patient is ready to go home but continues to occupy a bed. |
Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford |
DwSI |
Dentists with a special interest. They work as part of the Kent and Medway IMOS service (Intermediate minor oral surgery service). |
Excess bed day. Where patients exceed the length of stay. |
Electrocardiograms |
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation |
ED |
Emergency department |
Executive development consultants |
Estimated date of discharge. Discharge planning is used to describe how long patients stay in an acute hospital for either elective or non-elective care. |
EDNs |
Electronic discharge notes |
Eating disorder service |
Education health care plan; is for children and young people aged up to 25 who need more support than is available through special educational needs support. EHCPs identify educational, health and social needs and set out the additional support to meet those needs. |
Equality impact assessment. This is a tool used in evidence based policy or decision making. It ensures equality analysis is carried out as required by law (Equality Act 2010). They assess the actual or likely effect of policies/decisions on groups of people / those with protected characteristics. |
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust |
Elective care |
Care that is planned in advance as a day case or inpatient. |
Elective admission |
A patient who is admitted from the waiting list. |
Electronic booking |
A system under development that will allow patients to make appointments directly and be able to obtain information on waiting times. |
Emergency admission |
A patient admitted to hospital at short notice because of clinical need or because alternative care is not available. |
Elderly mental infirm |
Software application used in GP practices. |
EMT | Executive Management Team. Decision making group consisting of ICB executives. |
Ear, nose and throat |
Emergency operations centre |
End of life |
Electronic prescribing analysis costing |
ePCR |
Electronic patient clinical record |
Expert patients programme – an NHS course for people living with long-term health conditions, to help them understand and manage their conditions. |
Emergency preparedness, resilience and response. The NHS needs to plan for, and respond to, a wide range of incidents and emergencies that could affect health or patient care. These could be anything from extreme weather conditions to an outbreak of an infectious disease or a major transport accident. |
Electronic patient record - all patient information will be available electronically, on screen, at any hospital location, at any time. It will transform the way the NHS admits, treats and discharges patients. |
Electronic prescription service. EPS allows prescribers to send prescriptions electronically to a dispenser (such as a pharmacy) of the patient's choice. This makes the prescribing and dispensing process more efficient and convenient for patients and staff. |
Elective Recovery Fund- The Elective Recovery Fund (ERF) is designed to support systems to work collaboratively to restore elective services against the backdrop of unprecedented demands on the service because of Covid-19. |
Enhanced Rapid Response Service, please see ‘Home Treatment Service’. |
Extended scope physiotherapy |
Essence of care |
An initiative aimed at improving patient experience by identifying best practice in areas such as nutrition and privacy and dignity. |
Executive directors |
Board level senior management employees of the health authority or NHS trust who are accountable for carrying out the work of the organisation. |
Financial delivery plan |
Framework for procuring external support for commissioners |
Friends and Family Test. The test was created to help service providers and commissioners understand whether patients are happy with the service provided, or where improvements are needed. It's a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment. |
Female genital mutilation |
Female genital mutilation information system |
Family Health Services. Services provided in the community through GPs, dentists, pharmacists |
Funded nursing care rate |
Freedom of information. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides a right of access to a wide range of information held by public authorities, including the NHS. The purpose is to promote greater openness and accountability. |
Forecast outturn/predicted spend against budget. |
Foundation Trust |
NHS foundation trusts have been established as new public interest organisations accountable to local people and free from Whitehall control. Drawing on models from co-operative societies, mutual organisations and charities in Britain and abroad, NHS foundation trusts work for NHS patients and wide public benefit. Each NHS foundation trust has a Board of Governors, including governors elected by members of the local community and NHS colleagues, to provide accountability to stakeholders. |
F&P Committee |
Finance and Performance Committee. The remit of the committee is to review and agree all aspects of financial, corporate and commissioned service performance deliverables of the CCG against statutory and mandatory financial requirements, the NHS Constitution, the NHS Long Term Plan and annual commissioning and operational delivery plans, including financial recovery plans. Specifically, the purpose of the committee is to review the performance of the above areas and ensure appropriate action plans are in place and delivery is effectively monitored. |
Franchising |
NHS franchising involves identifying the top NHS managers and appointing them to the ‘biggest challenges’, whether failing trusts, key modernisation initiatives, or strategic health authorities. |
Financial recovery programme |
Frequent service user manager |
G4S |
Provider of non-emergency transport for Kent and Medway. |
GB |
Governing body. Oversees the strategy and operation of the CCG on behalf of the GP membership and is held in public. |
Gravesham Community Hospital |
Good clinical practice |
General dental services |
General Medical Council registers doctors to practice medicine in the UK. Their purpose is to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice of medicine |
General medical services. This is the UK-wide contract between general practices and NHS England for delivering core primary care services to local communities. |
Great Ormond Street Hospital |
GP |
General practitioner. A doctor who, usually with colleagues, works at a local surgery and provides medical advice and treatment to patients. They take a leading role in the management and provision of local healthcare. Their surgeries, general practices, often have a practice manager and are now staffed by specialist nurses and therapists. Some accommodate dentists, opticians, and pharmacists. |
General Pharmaceutical Council. Governing body for pharmacy professionals. |
Good practice guide |
GPs with special interests. They supplement their main GP role by delivering an additional high-quality service in a particular area of expertise to meet the needs of patients. |
GRT | Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities |
General sales list |
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust |
Genito-urinary medicine |
HAIs |
Hospital-acquired infections |
Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee |
Health and social care integration |
Hyper acute stroke unit |
Healthcare associated infections |
HCPs/HaCPs | Health and Care Partnerships. Group which brings together all health organisations in a given area to work as one. Support closer working with local councils. |
The Health Development Agency was a special health authority established in 2000 to develop the evidence base to improve health and reduce health inequalities. It worked with professionals and practitioners across a range of sectors to translate that evidence into practice. As a result of the Department of Health's 2004 review of its "arms length bodies", the functions of the HDA were transferred to NICE on 1 April 2005. |
Hospital Discharge Programme |
Health community, or health economy |
A term used to embrace all the organisations, NHS and others, whose activities have an effect on people’s health in a local area. It can include local authority function such as services, environmental health and transport, housing associations, water suppliers and voluntary organisations. |
Health inequality |
The term used to describe the fact people living in deprived areas usually have poorer health than people living in more affluent areas. This can also apply to differences in the health of people of various ethnic groups. |
Healthcare Commission |
Was the independent watchdog for healthcare in England promoting improvement in quality of NHS and independent healthcare. The Healthcare Commission was replaced by the CQC in April 2009. |
Healthwatch |
Independent consumer champion representing views of public about health and social care. |
HEE | Health Education England. NHS organisation supporting the delivery of healthcare and health improvement through workforce skills, values and behaviours. |
HFEA | Human Fertility and Embryology Authority |
HFMA | Healthcare Financial Management Association. Professional body for finance staff in healthcare. |
Healthcare market analysis |
Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee. This committee scrutinises services which have an impact on the health of the local community and must be consulted about any proposals for a substantial change or development in health services. |
Hosted |
Responsible to a single statutory organisation but providing a service to a number of organisations. |
HPA | Health Protection Agency |
HRGs |
Health resource groups – means of categorising procedures |
Health and social care co-ordinator |
Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch/Bureau, specifically charged with investigations into incidents that have happened within the NHS. However, HSIB is not an inspector like the CQC or a regulator like NHS Improvement (NHSI). |
Health Service Journal – NHS managers weekly trade magazine |
Home Treatment Service (replaced the Enhanced Rapid Response Service). For frail, elderly patients with multiple health conditions, this means receiving the best care, quickly, in their own home. Patients with the most urgent needs will be seen within two hours of a referral. If needed, patients will be referred easily and quickly to longer-term treatment, rehabilitation and community support. |
HV |
Health visiting |
Health and Wellbeing Board. Local system leaders across health, social care and public health. |
Improving access to psychological therapies |
Integrated care board has the function of arranging for the provision of services for the purpose of the health service in England. ICBs were established as statutory bodies in April 2022. |
Information Commissioner’s Office. The UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals |
Integrated Care Partnership. Joint strategic planning committee with NHS, local authority and voluntary community and social enterprise members. Responsible for development and oversight of the integrated care strategy for Kent and Medway. |
Initial children protection conferences. The conference brings together family members (including anyone they wish to bring to support them) or advocates, the child (where appropriate) and the professionals most involved with the child and family. |
Integrated care system. In this system, NHS organisations, in partnership with local councils and others, take collective responsibility for managing resources, delivering NHS standards, and improving the health of the population they serve. |
Intensive care unit |
Independent domestic violence advisors |
Individual funding request. Where patients have a rare and exceptional health need they can apply for funding of medication/treatment which would not normally be funded. |
Integrated single finance system |
IG |
Information governance ensures necessary safeguards for, and appropriate use of, patient and personal information. |
IHAs |
Initial health assessments |
IOEC | Improving Outcomes and Experience Committee. Committee providing assurance that NHS Kent and Medway is delivering its functions in a way which secures continuous improvement in the quality, safety and performance of commissioned health and care services. It will provide direction on ICS level quality and performance assurance and oversight. | |
Inequalities |
In the context of this document, ‘inequalities’ refers to services which are not equally accessible by all geographical areas of client groups. |
Inpatient |
A patient who has been admitted to hospital for treatment and is occupying a hospital bed. |
Integration |
Of pathways and care across primary and secondary care between mental and physical health but also with social care (and voluntary) organisations. |
Integrated Care Strategy | Kent and Medway plan across health and care system partners focusing on improving health and care for people in Kent and Medway. Requires joint working across health, local authority, Healthwatch and voluntary sector organisations. | |
ISO 17799 |
This is a regulation that requires all NHS organisations to report all information security incidents and to review their business to take this into account. |
Independent sector treatment centre |
Integrated care pathway |
Improving the patient’s route for treatment through different health and social care systems by combining resources and co-ordinating working methods to prevent hold-ups and jams. |
Integrated Care Records Service – ICRS |
This is part of the NHS national strategic programme for IT and comprises of the electronic health record (lifelong patient health records) and the electronic patient record (updating records at source). |
IPR | Integrated Performance Report. Single resource presented across committees to inform system performance through a range of metrics. | |
IQPR | Integrated Quality and Performance Report. Single report presented to committee focusing on various metrics covering performance and quality indicators. Provides basis for additional narrative for areas of interest. | |
Intermediate care |
Healthcare for patients who are not ill enough to be in an acute hospital and not well enough to be at home unsupported. |
IPC | Infection, prevention and control | |
IPPH | Inequalities, Prevention and Population Health. Committee supporting the integrated care partnership in the development and oversight of an integrated care strategy. Develops and oversees the health and care plans which complement the IC strategy and inform the development of strategic objectives and priorities. | |
IS | Independent sector. Typically relates to private healthcare providers. | |
IT |
Information technology |
Intensive care treatment unit. Dedicated unit for intensive care of patients. Also known as a high dependency unit. |
Improving working lives. Changing practices in the workplace which improve the working life of existing staff and those intending to join. |
Joint investment plan. A plan for purchasing care services jointly, produced by the NHS and local authorities as well as other key agencies and representatives of service-users and carers. |
JFP | Joint Forward Plan. NHS Health Service Act requires ICBs and its partner trusts to prepare a JFP before the start of each financial year. It should reflect the NHS priorities and operational planning. |
Joined-up working |
When organisations such as councils, the NHS and schools work together to identify and solve local problems, close gaps between public services and improve overall performance. |
Joint funding |
Where two or more agencies, for example, health and social services, agree to share the cost of running a project or service. |
Joint Staff Consultative Committee is a group of people who represent the management and employees of an organisation, who meet for formal discussions before decisions are taken which affect the employees. |
Joint strategic needs assessment. Covers health and social care. The purpose of a JSNA is to pull together in a single process all the information available on the needs of the local population and to analyse them in detail to identify: a) the major issues to be addressed re. health and wellbeing, |
K&M |
Kent and Medway |
K&S |
Kent and Sussex Hospital, Tunbridge Wells (now replaced by Tunbridge Wells Hospital at Pembury) |
Kent County Council |
Kings College Hospital, London |
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust |
KHG | Kent Housing Group. Forum for housing organisations in Kent and Medway. |
Kent Institute of Medicine and Surgery |
KLOE | Key Line of Enquiry. Framework used by the Care Quality Commission to assess whether a provider is giving best quality of care, or not. |
Kent and Medway Commissioning Support Services, now SECSU |
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust |
KPI’s |
Key performance indicators. These help the CCG define and measure progress towards organisational goals. These are normally identified in contracts with providers. |
KRF | Kent Resilience Forum. One of 42 local resilience forums. Group of organisations that work together to improve the resilience of Kent and Medway, making sure there is a coordinated response to emergencies. |
Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-agency Partnership |
LA |
Local authority |
Local area agreement. An agreement between central government and a local area containing a set of improvement targets which local organisations are committed to achieving through a delivery plan. Actions will be set against each partner organisation which will work through a local strategic partnership. |
Looked After Children’s Services. Service for children who are either in care (subject to a care order) or accommodated by a local authority. |
Local area teams |
LD |
Learning disability |
Learning Disabilities and Autism |
Local delivery plan |
LeDeR | Learning Disability Mortality Review. Reviews deaths to see where areas of learning can be found and examples of excellent practice. |
Local enhanced service contract for GP services. Where patients have a rare and exceptional health need they can apply to the CCG for funding of medication/treatment which would not normally be funded. |
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, with the plus sign signifying a desire to be inclusive. |
Local health authority |
Local health economy |
LHRP | Local Health Resilience Partnership. Strategic forum for organisations in the local health sector, facilitating health sector preparedness and planning for emergencies. |
Local Health and Wellbeing Board. These were established under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 to act as a forum in which key leaders from the local health and care system could work together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population. They became fully operational on 1 April 2013 in all 152 local authorities with adult social care and public heath responsibilities. |
Local implementation network |
LINks |
Local involvement networks (predecessor to Healthwatch). Individuals and community groups can join LINks to have their say about improving health and social care services. |
Local incentive scheme. A CCG-led process to engage GPs in priority areas such as working to address specific health objectives for the local population, such as early diagnosis or effective prescribing. |
Local implementation team |
Local Medical Committee – the statutory committee elected by all GPs in contract with the health authority to represent them and contributes to the debate on local health issues. Represents GPs and practices. |
LMNS | Local maternity and neonatal system |
Local maternity system. These systems bring together providers involved in maternity and neonatal care ensuring the services are person-centred, safe and of a high-quality for mothers and babies through pregnancy, birth and postnatal period. |
Length of stay (time from admission to discharge, based on number of nights in hospital). |
LPP/LPP Plus |
Low priority procedures. A list of procedures that will not be funded for patients unless there are exceptional needs. These have been locally agreed with various stakeholders. |
Local Safeguarding Children’s Board. These are key statutory interagency mechanisms which act as focal points for local co-operation to safeguarding children. It has a range of responsibilities such as implementation of statutory safeguarding requirements, ensuring the effectiveness of measures put in place by organisations, developing policies and procedures, reviewing the deaths of children in the respective area and carrying out serious case reviews. |
Local strategic partnership. Non-statutory, multiagency partnerships, which match local authority boundaries. LSPs bring together at a local level the different parts of the public, private, community and voluntary sectors; allowing different initiatives and services to support one another so they can work together more effectively. |
Local service provider. |
Long-term conditions. These are conditions that cannot, at present, be cured, but can be controlled by medication and other therapies. They include diabetes, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. |
Long term plan |
Multi-agency safeguarding hub. Children’s services and partner agencies will work closely to safeguard children at a fast pace, prevent delay for families and stop duplication. |
Medway Community Healthcare |
Multi-speciality community provider. This is a new care model which is population-based and aims to improve the physical, mental and social health and wellbeing of their local population. |
Multi-disciplinary team. This is a team of professionals drawn from various disciplines who combine their expertise to the benefit of patients. |
Medical advice |
Improvements which allow the medical profession to treat an increasing range of conditions or treat existing conditions in a better way. |
Meds Opt/MOT |
Medicines Optimisation (Team). This team provides support to GP practices and pharmacists regarding medications and updated guidelines, and also provide finance and activity data. |
Market forces factor. On top of the cost of the patient’s diagnosis/treatment, there is an MFF which provides an index of the relative differences in avoidance costs to NHS organisations. This includes staff, land and buildings. The MFF is higher in London hospitals. |
Medically fit for discharge |
Medway NHS Foundation Trust |
MH |
Mental health |
Mental Health Learning Disability and Autism |
MHIS | Mental Health Investment Standard. Relates to a requirement for an increase in planned spending on mental health services. |
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. The agency plays a leading role in protecting and improving public health and supports innovation through scientific research and development. |
Maternity Improvement Committee |
Medical interoperability gateway. This computer system enables the sharing of specified datasets of patient information between healthcare providers. |
Mothers and Infants Mental Health Services. Specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and short-term treatment of women 18 and above who are affected by a moderate to severe mental health illness in the preconception, antenatal and postnatal period. |
Minor injuries unit. Located in community hospitals and run by nurse practitioners. The units are able to treat a range of minor conditions, such as, sprains and strains, broken bones, traumatic wound infections and some minor ailments. |
MO |
Medicines optimisation. This is an approach that seeks to maximise the beneficial clinical outcomes for patients from medicines with an emphasis on safety, governance, professional collaboration and patient engagement. |
Medicines Optimisation Group. Is the key management group responsible for ensuring a healthcare provider is compliant with all aspects of medicines optimisation, including statutory obligations. Its aim is to promote a consistent approach to the cost effective and evidence based use of medicines. |
Medicines Optimisation Scheme. Local guidance and incentives to develop adherence to the principles of medicines optimisation. |
MoU |
Memorandum of understanding. This document records the common intent and agreement between two or more parties. MoUs can help clarify roles and responsibilities, intent and goals. |
Magnetic resonance imaging (scanner) |
Methicillin resistant staphyloccous aureus |
Musculoskeletal |
Mapping the future. This was a project to draw up a blueprint for modern health and social care services for the 463,730 people who live across the boroughs of Tonbridge and Malling, Tunbridge Wells, Maidstone and most of the Sevenoaks district in west Kent. |
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust – acute provider |
MVCs |
Mass vaccination centres |
National child mortality database. This is an NHS funded project, delivered by the University of Bristol, which gathers information on all children who die across England. The ambition is to learn lessons that could lead to changes to improve and save children's lives in the future. |
NCT | National Childbirth Trust |
Non-executive director |
North East London Commissioning Support Unit |
North East London NHS Foundation Trust |
National enhanced service. These are services or activities provided by GP practices that have been negotiated nationally and at an enhanced service level above what is required by the core general medical services (GMS) contract. |
New Opportunities Fund |
The body responsible for distributing National Lottery money to health, education and environment projects in the UK. |
National Health Service |
NHS 111 |
NHS non-emergency response service |
NHS Commissioning Board – a special health authority established on 31 October 2011; operates as NHS England |
NHS Commissioning Board Local Area Teams |
NHS Constitution |
The NHS Constitution has been created to protect the NHS and make sure it will always do the things it was set up to do in 1948 – to provide high-quality healthcare that is free to everyone at the point of access. |
NHS continuing care |
Care provided over an extended period of time to a person aged 18 or over to meet physical or mental health needs which have arisen as the result of disability, accident or illness. |
NHS England. Local health systems are supported by seven integrated regional teams which play a major leadership role in the geographies they manage. They make decisions about how best to support and assure performance in their region, as well as supporting system transformation and the development of sustainability and transformation partnerships and integrated care systems (ICS).​ From 1 April 2019, NHS England and NHS Improvement are working together as a new single organisation to better support the NHS to deliver improved care for patients and the NHS Long Term Plan. |
NHS Improvement. Please see NHSE. |
NHS Information Agency. A special health authority set up to improve patient care and achieve best value for money in working with the NHS to supporting the most efficient and effective use of information. |
NHS Litigation Authority. Manages negligence and other claims against the NHS in England on behalf of its member organisations. |
NHS network. A secure wider area network (information technology) that will connect all NHS organisations. |
NHS number |
This is a unique number given to every baby at birth and will be used as a NHS identifier for life. |
NHS Property Services Limited is a company owned by the Department of Health in the United Kingdom that took over the ownership of around 3,600 National Health Service (NHS) facilities in April 2013. The company now manages, maintains and develops the properties across England. |
NHS trusts |
These provide health care locally, mainly community health trusts, mental health trusts, acute hospital trusts, or ambulance service trusts. They are each managed by a board headed by a lay chairman, with part-time non-executive directors who represent the local community and special interests, and the senior full time staff, including the chief executive. |
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guides NHS staff about new health technologies including medicines, medical devices, techniques and procedures. |
Nursing and Midwifery Council |
Non-obstetric ultrasound service |
National Patient Safety Agency is an arm’s length body of the Department of Health which leads and contributes to improved, safe patient care by informing, supporting and influencing organisations and people working in the health sector. |
New primary care. A term used to encompass new models of delivery of primary care services, which include the development of federations/networks of practices with the ambition to improve the scale, range and quality of services delivered. |
National Quality Board. Established to deliver high-quality care for patients throughout the NHS and at the interface of health and social care. |
NSFs |
National service frameworks. These are nationally defined standards which set out the range of healthcare that should be in place for a specific service or group of patients. There are a range of NSFs, which establish a set of minimum national standards of clinical quality and access to services in a series of major care areas and disease groups, including mental health, diabetes, older people and coronary heart disease. The aim is to drive up performance and decrease geographical variations. |
National transfer system |
Nursing home |
A residential home with qualified nursing staff to provide nursing care. |
OATs |
Out-of-area treatments:
The abbreviation is also used in the context of specialist panels:
Outline business case |
OD |
Organisational development |
Office for National Statistics. Main responsibility centres on the collation, analysis and dissemination of statistics about the UK's economy, society and population. |
Out-of-hours – primary care services provided outside normal GP hours. |
Outpatient data referrals. |
Opticians with a special interest. May be part of a community ophthalmology team. |
Ordinary admission |
An admission, including one that is an emergency, where the patient is expected to remain in hospital for at least one night. |
Over the counter. The term is used in reference to drugs which can be purchased ‘over the counter’ and not reliant on a prescription. |
Outpatient |
A patient who attends hospital for treatment, consultation and advice but does not require a stay in hospital |
Primary and acute care system. The PACS model of care joins up GP, hospital, community and mental health services. The aim of a PACS is to improve the physical, mental, social health and wellbeing of its local population. |
Professional advisory group. A panel which assesses doctors’ performance issues. |
Palliative care |
The care of patients whose disease is no longer curable, such as cancer and motor-neurone disease. It takes into account the physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects of care of patients, with the aim of providing the best quality of life for them. See also ‘end of life’. |
Patient Advice and Liaison Services. Provided in NHS trusts to provide on the spot help and advice to patients and carers. |
Patients |
People who are using or waiting for health services. |
PB |
Programme budgets. Programme budgeting is the analysis of expenditure in healthcare programmes, such as cancer, mental health and cardiovascular diseases. |
Practice-based commissioning. This was introduced as a DH policy in 2005. It devolved responsibility for commissioning services to local GP practices. ICBs have now taken over this to enable more effective clinical engagement and power. |
PbR |
Payment by results. A system of paying NHS healthcare providers a standard national price or tariff for each patient seen or treated. Many organisations are looking to move from a transactional, tariff-based approach to a more partnership-orientated approach focusing on population health requirements. |
Primary Care Booking Service. The overarching aim of the service is to provide a high-quality referral management centre for primary care services in ophthalmology, cardiology, gynaecology and rheumatology in west Kent. The service also provides a secure environment to handle GP patient allocations. |
PCCC also known as PC3 |
Primary Care Commissioning Committee. The PCCC provides additional governance, promoting transparency and a means to control any emerging conflicts of interest. The committee will consider local commissioning needs within its decision making. This will ensure that integrated care partnerships (ICPs) and primary care networks (PCNs) are able to co-ordinate through general practices, community services and hospitals to meet the needs of local people. |
Primary care mental health specialist |
PCNs |
Primary care networks. Primary care networks build on the core of current primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, coordinated and more integrated health and social care. Clinicians describe this as a change from reactively providing appointments to proactively care for the people and communities they serve. Where emerging primary care networks are in place in parts of the country, there are clear benefits for patients and clinicians. |
Primary care operational groups. These groups have set geographical remits (for example, west Kent, south Kent coast) and report directly into the Primary Care Commissioning Committee (PCCC/PC3). They provide a greater level of oversight at a local level and are able to effectively escalate concerns or considerations to PCCC. |
PCSOC | Primary Care Strategic Oversight Committee. Formal committee of the ICB Board focusing on primary care, pharmacy, optometry and dentistry. Responsible for overseeing the primary care functions that have been delegated from NHS England. |
Personal development plan |
Plan, do, study, act fund, designed to ‘pump prime’ projects which are innovative and support the adoption of tested innovation from elsewhere. |
Personal social services |
Personal care services for vulnerable people, including those with special needs because of old age or physical disability and children in need of care and protection, which are provided through home care and home help services, social workers and residential care homes. |
People committee | Provides assurance to NHS Kent and Medway regarding delivery of ICS local, regional and national people priorities. It provides oversight of the development of a Kent and Medway People Strategy and associated programmes. Reviews oversight and delivery of dedicated workforce funding provided by national bodies. |
Private finance initiative, a government–led arrangement that involves private concerns in providing facilities which will be run by the NHS. |
PGDs |
Patient group directions. Provide a legal framework that allows some registered health professionals to supply and/or administer specified medicines to a pre-defined group of patients, without them having to see a prescriber (such as a doctor or nurse prescriber). Supplying and/or administering medicines under PGDs should be reserved for situations in which this offers an advantage for patient care, without compromising patient safety. |
Personal health budget. An amount of money to support your health and wellbeing needs, which is planned and agreed between you (or someone who represents you) and your local NHS team. It works in a similar way to personal budgets, which allow people to manage and pay for their social care needs. |
Population Health Management | A way of working to help frontline teams understand current health and care needs and predict what local people will need in the future. |
PHSO | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. Make final decisions on complaints that have not been resolved by NHS England and the UK government departments. |
Protected learning time. An opportunity for practice staff to address their own learning and professional development needs. |
Personal medical services. PMS agreements are locally agreed contracts between NHS England and a GP practice. PMS contracts offer local flexibility compared to the nationally negotiated general medical services (GMS) contracts by offering variation in the range of services which may be provided by the practice, the financial arrangements for those services and the provider structure (who can hold a contract). |
Programme management office. Team which provides oversight of the ICB's broad ranging projects, with a focus on whether it is delivering to plan and its effectiveness. |
POD | Pharmacy, optometry, dentistry. From 1 April 2023, ICBs will take on delegated responsibility for commissioning pharmacy, general ophthalmic and dental services from NHS England. |
Programme overview group. Group of expert commissioners and clinicians which convene to discuss set programme areas (such as planned care, mental health) and share learning, discuss and resolve operational issues etc. |
Prescription-only medicines |
Personal protective equipment |
Patient and public engagement |
Patient participation group. Group of patients, carers and GP practice staff who meet to discuss practice issues and patient experience to improve the service. Also provides the opportunity for patients and practice staff to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest. |
Patient and public involvement |
PFD | Preventing future death reports |
Primary care |
Health services delivered in or near to a person’s home to which patients have direct access. These services include those provided in GP surgeries, health centres and community hospitals, or in patients’ homes, by a team of healthcare professionals including GPs, practice nurses, community nurses, therapists and others. |
Primary healthcare team |
Professionals working in or attached to general practices to provide a range of healthcare needs. Including GPs and community nursing staff. |
PIC | Productivity and Investment Committee. Makes sure NHS Kent and Medway can meet all statutory and mandatory financial duties and obligations, which are achieved through contractual arrangements with system partners, alongside effective financial frameworks and operating models. Makes sure resources are being targeted as efficiently as possible regarding tackling inequalities and the greatest need, in accordance with the integrated care strategy. |
Patient related outcome measures – patients are asked about their health and quality of life before they have an operation and about their health and the effectiveness of the operation after it, helping the NHS measure and improve the quality of its care. |
Programme for service improvement |
Patient tracking list. An established, forward-looking, management tool that can be used by the NHS to help achieve and sustain short referral to treatment and diagnostic waits. |
Patient transport service – transports patients with non-urgent conditions to and from hospitals and day care centres and carries out non-urgent inter-hospital transfers. |
Public |
A term used to describe everyone who is not part of the organisation or the professional team. We are all members of someone else’s ‘public’. |
Quality adjusted life years. The QALY method helps to measure factors so different treatments can be compared for the same and different conditions. A QALY gives an idea of how many extra months or years of life of a reasonable quality a person might gain as a result of treatment. |
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital |
Quality impact assessment. Carried out on new plans, programmes, projects and savings schemes. They support quality governance by assessing the impact on quality of services provided, to inform and enable appropriate decision-making. |
Quality, innovation, productivity and prevention. A tool developed by the Department of Health to drive quality improvement. It means we must always be looking for new and better ways of providing NHS services. Any savings realised are reinvested in frontline care. |
Quality and outcomes framework, introduced in 2004 as part of the general medical services contract, the QOF is an incentive scheme for GP practices in the UK, rewarding them for how well they care for patients. The QOF contains groups of indicators, against which practices score points according to their level of achievement. |
Quality surveillance group. A group acting as a virtual team across a health economy, bringing together organisations and their respective information and intelligence gathered through performance monitoring, commissioning, and regulatory activities. By collectively considering and triangulating information and intelligence, QSGs will work to safeguard the quality of care people receive. |
Quality, Safety and Safeguarding Committee. It considers the quality, safety, safeguarding and patient experience performance of the CCG and commissioned services against statutory and mandatory standards, the NHS Constitution, the NHS Long Term Plan, annual commissioning and operational delivery plans. This includes identifying key areas of concern and agreeing remedial action where appropriate to ensure patient safety, experience and outcomes are maximised. Specifically, the committee will review the performance of the above areas and make sure appropriate action plans are in place and delivery is effectively monitored. |
Regional adoption agency |
Red – amber – green rating system. Used to identify areas of concern, for consideration or where work is progressing as anticipated. |
The RaTC (Referral and Treatment criteria) is a formal document that contains policies on around 140 tests, treatments and procedures. The RaTC explains when each of these treatments can and can’t be used by clinicians to treat Kent and Medway patients. The purpose of the RaTC is to reduce avoidable harm to patients and focus clinical resource on implementing best practice fairly and consistently across Kent and Medway. |
Root cause analysis. Methodology applied to support and add rigour to serious incident investigations by applying a systematic process whereby the factors that contributed to an incident are identified. It is the preferred investigation technique for investigation of safety incidents. |
Royal College of General Practitioners. UK’s professional body for GPs. |
Royal College of Midwives. UK’s professional body for midwives. |
Royal College of Nurses. UK’s professional body for nurses. |
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. |
Royal College of Surgeons. UK’s professional body for surgeons. |
Referral patterns |
These describe the number and frequency of patients referred to hospitals by GPs. |
Remuneration Committee | Committee which confirms the pay policy for all NHS Kent and Medway employees. |
RHAs |
Review health assessments. A form which will help health practitioners make sure a looked after young person has a periodic health review and updated recommendations for their care plan. Also provides an opportunity to identify any issues and gives the opportunity to the child to discuss any particular concerns about their healthcare with a professional. |
Risk management |
A systematic approach of identifying, analysing, evaluating, treating, monitoring and communicating risks associated with any activity, function or process. |
RN |
Registered nurse |
RO |
Responsible officer |
Return on investment – a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments |
RoI |
Register of interest. A key document outlining any conflicts of interest of key members in a committee involved in decision making. |
Royal colleges |
Statutory organisations that set and monitor professional standards for medical services. |
Royal Pharmaceutical Society |
RS |
Recovery star. Developed by the Association of Mental Health Providers (formerly the Mental Health Providers Forum), is an outcomes measure which enables people using services to measure their own recovery progress, with the help of mental health workers or others. |
Referral to treatments – a patient waiting time measure. |
SALT (S<) |
Speech and language therapy |
Safeguarding adults reviews |
Surgical assessment unit. Assesses patients who have a confirmed or probable surgical condition. Patients are referred to the SAU via their GP or are admitted via the emergency department. Depending on your clinical condition and care needs, you will either be assessed in the clinic or admitted to another ward. |
Shared business service. Provides finance and accounting, employment, procurement and innovation and technology solutions to the NHS. |
Strategic commissioning plan. Strategic framework guiding the commissioning priorities in the CCG over the next three to five years. |
Scrutiny committee |
An all-party group of elected local councillors that reviews local NHS services and other issues. Introduced by the Local Government Act 2000. |
Same day emergency care. SDEC is the provision of same day care for emergency patients who would otherwise be admitted to hospital. |
South east coast |
SECAmb |
NHS South East Coast Ambulance Service |
Secondary care |
Patients whose needs are too complex to be managed in primary care are referred to more specialist services. Secondary care includes local hospitals and treatment given away from the hospital setting, such as mental health services, learning disability services and help for older people. |
Special educational needs and disability. A child or young person has special educational needs and disabilities if they have a learning difficulty and/or a disability that means they need special health and education support. |
Service specifications |
These are held between the ICB and providers for services provided. |
Service user |
Anyone who uses or who has used a product or a service. This may mean current users or also include potential users. |
SfBH |
Standards for better health (replaced in 2009/10 by registration criteria) |
SFIs |
Standing financial instructions. Issued for the regulation of the conduct of the health care organisation, its directors, officers, employees and agents in relation to all financial matters. |
SIs |
Serious incidents. Something out of the ordinary or unexpected, with the potential to cause serious harm, which occurs on NHS premises or in the provision of an NHS service, or where there is a cluster or pattern of incidents or actions by NHS staff. |
Service improvement group. These are normally held per speciality, such as ophthalmology and dental services. |
Serious incidents requiring investigation. Formal investigation triggered when an incident(s) exceed defined criteria. |
Senior information risk owner. Executive director or member of the senior management board of an organisation with overall responsibility for an organisation's information risk policy. The SIRO is accountable and responsible for information risk across the organisation. |
Sitreps |
Situation reports |
Structured judgement reviews. Blends traditional, clinical judgement-based review methods with a standard format. This approach requires reviewers to make safety and quality judgements over phases of care, to make explicit written comments about care for each phase, and to score care for each phase. The result is a relatively short but rich set of information about each case in a form that can also be aggregated to produce knowledge about clinical services and systems of care. |
South Kent coast |
Service level agreement. An agreement between organisations and/or agencies setting out how services must be provided, what their standards will be and how monitoring will take place. |
Social care |
Social care services are normally run by local councils, sometimes with local NHS providers and organisations. Most of us are likely to become clients of social care services at one time or another but some of the main groups using the services include children or families who are under stress, people with disabilities, people with emotional or psychological difficulties, people with financial or housing problems and older people who need help with daily living activities. |
SOs |
Standing orders. NHS trusts/ICBs are required by law to make standing orders (SOs), which regulate the way in which the proceedings and business of the trust will be conducted. |
SOF | System Oversight Framework. To make sure priorities are aligned across the NHS and with wider system partners; identify where ICBs/providers may benefit from, or require support and to provide an objective basis for decisions. | |
SOP | Standard operating procedure. Document that outlines how to carry out a task step-by-step. | |
System quality group. All integrated care systems are required to have a system quality group, focusing on enabling quality improvement across the health and care system. |
Systems resilience group. Responsible for ensuring the effective delivery of elective as well as urgent care in their area for both physical and mental health. |
SS |
Social services |
Stakeholders |
Anyone who has an interest in the way services are delivered, including service users, carers, patients, service providers, staff, health professionals and partner organisations, such as social services, district and borough councils and other community or voluntary groups. |
Statutory organisations |
Organisations with powers to fund or provide services, such as local authorities and NHS trusts. |
System Transformation Executive Board |
Strategic executive information system used for monitoring serious incidents. |
Sustainability and transformation partnership. These are system leaders, covering all areas of England, bringing together all local NHS organisations and councils in that area to improve health and care services for the populations they serve. |
STW | Single Tender Waiver. Negates the need for a full tendering process, when purchase time is critical or it may be possible not to go to open market as there are no other suppliers. | |
Sub-acute care |
An alternative term for intermediate care. |
Sudden unexpected death in infancy. |
Secondary uses service. The single, comprehensive repository for healthcare data in England which enables a range of reporting and analyses to support the NHS in the delivery of healthcare services. |
T&O |
Trauma and orthopaedics |
TB |
Tuberculosis |
Treatment Escalation Plan provides the opportunity for patients, doctors and nurses to come to an agreement on the outlines of your overall plan of care. It gives guidelines on what treatments you would receive should your condition get worse. |
Tertiary care |
Service provided by specialist hospitals which have diagnostic and treatment facilities not available at general hospitals, or given by doctors who are uniquely qualified to treat unusual disorders that do not respond to therapy available at acute hospitals. It can also include hospice care for people who are terminally ill. |
Therapy services |
These are provided by allied health professionals including dieticians, hearing therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, podiatrists (chiropodists) and speech and language therapists. |
Transient ischaemic attack – stroke |
ToR | Terms of reference. Document which outlines a committee’s purpose, remit, membership, quorum and secretariat arrangements. |
Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 1981 |
Tissue viability nurse |
Unaccompanied asylum seeking children |
Urgent Care Board |
Urgent and emergency care |
Urgent medical assessment unit. Provides early assessment and treatment to adult patients, who are referred by their general practitioner or by the accident and emergency department. |
Urgent treatment centre. GP-led, open at least 12 hours-a-day, every day, offer appointments that can be booked through 111 or through a GP referral, and are equipped to diagnose and deal with many of the most common ailments people attend A&E for. |
Value for money. Defined as the relationship between economy, efficiency and effectiveness. VFM is a term used to assess the extent to which the organisation has obtained benefit from goods and services it both acquires and provides within the resources available. |
VCSE | Voluntary, community and social enterprise. Relates to organisations within these three remits. |
Virgin |
Virgin Community Healthcare |
Software application used in GP practices |
Very senior manager. Relates to pay banding for the most senior staffing. |
Venous thromboembolism |
Whole system approach |
Term for a strategic, integrated approach to planning and delivering services. A local whole system of care covers all local health and social service provision and any other service that impacts upon health and social care. |
William Harvey Hospital |
Walk-in centres. Nurse-led drop-in centres managed by the NHS that provide minor treatments, self-help advice and information on the NHS, social services and other local healthcare organisations. |
Young Healthy Minds. An organisation which works with children and young people and with the organisations that are also working with them. It is for children and young people with issues which may include; anxiety/phobias, low mood, behavioural difficulties as a result of emotional needs, low self–esteem, relationship/social interaction issues and loss/attachment/bereavement issues. |
Year-to-date. Refers to the period of time beginning the first day of the current calendar year or typically the financial year up to the current date. |
2WW |
Two week wait. Refers to instances where a referral is requested by your GP to ask a hospital for an urgent appointment for you. This can be because you have symptoms that might indicate you have cancer. |
5YFV |
Five Year Forward View. Document sets out a vision for the future of the NHS. The purpose is to articulate why change is needed, what that change might look like and how we can achieve it. |
18WW |
18-week wait. The maximum waiting time for non-urgent, consultant-led treatments is 18 weeks from the day your appointment is booked through the NHS e-Referral Service, or when the hospital or service receives your referral letter. |
52WW |
52 week wait. In 2013/14 NHS England introduced a zero tolerance to any referral to treatment time of more than 52 weeks. Measures of waits beyond 52 weeks provide a measure of activity which is in breach of this standard and to form part of corrective action planning. |